The black ceiling is quite common in movie halls, theatres, the office presentation room or the commercial kitchen. Movie halls and theatres require light concentration from projectors only on the screen or from spotlights only on the stage. The rest of the hall must remain in pitch-black darkness, thus black ceilings are quite common in these places. Office presentation rooms too do not desire light to reflect from the walls on to the projection screen or wall thus, here too, the back ceiling comes in handy. Commercial kitchens like the restaurants or hotels must have black color ceilings so that soot from charcoal ovens on grills that is deposited on the roof mainly does not alter the look and feel of the kitchen. A lighter colored roof for a kitchen can be disastrous since maintaining and cleaning can be a big issue. Blackened ceilings help solve this issue
That pe of ceilings are easily attainable by either paneling them with black material or by using black wallpaper or paint. Black ceiling tiles are also a good option for attaining a ceiling. Nightclubs and bars use black ceiling tiles since they bring about a shine and glaze to them. Auditoriums and theatre halls have special acoustic ceiling black tiles, which not only helps in solving the light reflection issue but also the noise issue. The tiles in such places have special sound proofing features and have a blunt finish so that they do not have a shiny surface for the light to bounce off them. Modern homes with home theatre rooms or a special TV room also can implement the ceiling with a simple coat of black paint. This can prove to be an arduous job but the result is marvelous in terms of TV viewing. Commercial kitchens too can implement the this ceiling by using black paint, thus maintenance of these kitchen ceilings is possible in a very inexpensive way.
Ceiling tiles are making great style statements in the industry of ceiling decoration and innovation. Nightclubs and some modern homes are opting for glazed and designer ceiling tiles. They produce a vibrant and beautiful contemporary look to the modern ceiling. Using the proper lighting conditions with the black ceiling can prove to be quite amazing. Many vendors are there in the market of ceiling tiles, which has made shopping for these tiles an easy task. Services provided with installation and special styling facilities by different service providers make every installation a unique one. Special acoustic ceiling tiles are there in the market too, which solves the problem for commercial installation of black ceilings in theatres, offices and auditoriums.
Your bathroom wallpaper is the ideal spot for black mold to thrive in. First off, the bathroom is one of black mold's favorite places in the house. It's probably number one. This is because it's humid and, unlike water damaged parts of the house, the bathroom keeps getting steamy and wet repeatedly each day.
Mold likes the wallpaper in particular because it's a nice, porous surface. This makes it easy for the mold to get there in the first place, and "breathe." Black mold needs a little air to thrive well, but it also needs the darkness. Mold that hangs out behind your bathroom wallpaper actually stores water, like a mouse in its hole with a chunk of cheese. This keeps it alive and going behind your wallpaper.
Most people don't know they have black mold behind their bathroom wallpaper until they're removing it. Mold is sneaky, and you can't see behind your wallpaper. If you suspect that you might have bathroom mold, you might want to get your bathroom inspected. It's difficult to be sure by yourself, but if you have sudden nasal decongestion, trouble breathing or other mold-related health symptoms when you go into your bathroom, you definitely have a problem. And, if you can't see the mold anywhere, there's a good chance it's behind the wallpaper.
You vs. The Mold: Getting It Off Your Bathroom Wallpaper and removing black mold from shower ceiling
Unfortunately, the only way to rid yourself of the evil mold behind your bathroom wallpaper is to remove the wallpaper itself. If you decide to do this, there are some precautions you must take
Put plastic around the bathroom as if you were painting. Remember that mold is toxic stuff and the spores can get anywhere and cause you even more trouble. Imagine that you are cleaning up toxic waste somewhere, and you don't want it to touch anything!
Make sure the room is well ventilated. If you're bathroom has no windows, at least run the exhaust fan. When you start stripping that wallpaper, the mold is going to go everywhere, so you want to make sure there's plenty of air circulation.
Wear protective gloves and a mask. You don't want it to touch anything, including YOU! The bigger, the thicker the gloves, the better. Also, look for a mask that is especially made for mold cleanup. Some masks just cover your mouth and nose, but at your local hardware store you can find special masks intended for mold removal.
After you take off the nasty, moldy wallpaper, save it in plastic bags before you throw it away. As I said before, it's important to not let the mold touch anything. You also don't want the spores to be airborne.
Even more important than cleaning up the mess is keeping it from coming back. The bathroom's always going be a popular spot for mold, but here are some things you can do: